Lesions of amygdala after the conditioning disruptsresponse
Lesions do not disrupt fear response to the shock: amygdala interested inactivation and storage of fearful responses
Fronto-striatal-thalamic loops
Addiction, reward
Dopamine + other neutotransmitters
Limbic system (hippocampus, hypothalmus, amygdala, cingulate cortex: relating to enviornment via context and memory; pain, empathy, social exclusion, memory, learning, emotion)
Basal gangalia (collection of midbrain structures; evolutionarily old; modulating action and thoughts, reward association/learning; addiction; decision making; victim of neurodegenerative diseases; motivation, social motivation)
Temporal poles: semantics, social concepts, retrieval of schemas
Implicated in dementia patients with semantic forgetting, but not socie
Medial prefrontal cortex: thoughts about mental states, thoughts of self, reopresenting information “decoupled from reality” (ie predicting sally in theory of mind)
Lesions donotneccesarily disrupt ToM performnace
rTPJ: stronger responses to others’ states, interested in false beliefs (versys false photos), lesions can lead to impairments in ToM task
Proposed ToM domain-specificity controversial, but mostly points here
Anterior singulate cortex, insula, somatosensory cortex (places involved in our own experiencing of pain
Overlap in brain activation when personallyexperiencingpain and whenothersare
Overlaps correlated with different indices of “empathic concern” as determined bia questionnaire (questionairres like this also might be flawed/biased)Mitchell et al paper
Ventral medial cortex more responsive to self and similar others
We draw on self-representation/knowledge to understand them
Dorsal more responsive to dissimilar others
(use of liberal/conservative reporting and labeling paradigm)