Child Language Acquisition

Cards (41)

  • clipping?
    omitting final consonant
  • substitution?

    difficult sound swapped. 4 types
  • assimilation?

    making sounds the same throughout a word ie. lellow
  • addition?

    extra vowel on end of word to form CVCV pattern ie. doggie
  • reduplication?

    repeating syllable ie dada
  • consonant cluster reduction?
    clusters reduced to smaller units
  • deletion of unstressed syllables?
    ie. nana for banana, jamas for pyjamas
  • metathesis?

    sounds correct but in wrong order ie vallina
  • 4 types of substitution?
    fronting, stopping, gliding, deaffrication
  • fronting?

    back of mouth sound swapped for front of mouth sound. ie. velar to alveolar/labial
  • stopping?
    fricative/affricate sound replaced with stop sound
  • gliding?

    liquid sounds (r,l) replaced with glide (w, /j/)
  • deaffrication?

    affricate replaced with fricative ie ship for chip
  • 'fis' phenomenon?

    child can understand an adults speech before they can produce their own speech
  • Katherine Nelson's theory?
    4 categories of first words
    1. naming
    2. actions/events
    3. describing/modifying
    4. personal/social
  • eve clark adjective theory?
    common adjectives early, spatial adjectives later
  • hypernym?

    name of category
  • hyponym?

    word within category
  • Leslie Rescorla's overextension theory?
    3 categories
    1. categorical
    2. analogical
    3. mismatch
  • Aitchison's stage theory?
    3 stages of lexical/semantic development
    1. labelling
    2. packaging
    3. network building
  • Halliday's functions of speech?
    Instrumental, Regulatory, Interactional, Personal, Representational, Imaginative, Heuristic
  • Dore's categories of speech?
    answering, calling, greeting, labelling, practising, protesting, repeating, requesting action
  • 4 grammar stages?
    holophrastic, two-word, telegraphic, post-telegraphic
  • John Braine?

    pivot schema, two-word phrases revolve around one developed word
  • Roger Brown?
    two word stage combination patterns
  • framing
    adult encourages child to fill in a gap
  • recasting
    adult models the correct form after child error
  • MKO
    more knowledgeable other
  • Behaviourism
    children imitate. positive/negative reinforcement
  • Skinner, Bandura
  • Nativism
    Inbuilt capacity to acquire language. LAD, overgeneralisations
  • Chomsky
  • Social Interactionist
    Interaction crucial to development. Scaffolding, recasting
  • Garvey, Bruner, Vygotsky
    Social Interactionist
  • Cognitive
    language is part of wider cognitive growth
  • Piaget
  • Usage-based
    Children learn pattern of language, may not understand semantically
  • Tomasello
    Usage based
  • overgeneralisation
    grammatical rule overapplied
  • Berko
    Wug test - nativism