cardiac cycle

Cards (16)

  • cardiac cycle - the sequence of events in one full beat of the heart
  • Action of Valves - ensures blood is flowing the right direction; they are opened and closed by changes in the blood pressure in the various chambers of the heart
  • Atrio-ventricular valves
    Atrial systole →ventricular systole →diastole
    • the pressure in the ventricles rapidly drops below the;pressure in the atria
    • blood in the atria pushes the atrio-ventricular valves open
    • blood entering the heart flows straight through the atria and into the ventricles
    • the pressure in atria and ventricles rises slowly as they fill with blood
    • the valves remain open while the atria contract, but close when atria begin to relax
  • Atrio-ventricular valves 2
    • the closure is caused by a swirling action in the blood around the valves when the ventricle is full
    • as the ventricles begin to contract (systole), the pressure of the blood rises
    • when the pressure rises above the atria , the blood starts to move upwards
    • this movement fills the valve pockets and keeps them closed
    • the tendinous cords attached to the valves prevent them from turning inside out
    • this prevents the blood flowing back into atria
  • Semilunar Vavles
    • pre-ventricular contraction, the pressure in the major arteries is higher than the pressure in the ventricles; his means the semilunar valves are closed
    • ventricular systole raises the blood pressure in the ventricles very quickly
    • once the pressure in the ventricles rises above the pressure in the major arteries, the semilunar valves are pushed open; the blood is under a very high pressure, so it is forced out of the ventricles in a powerful spurt
  • Semilunar valves 2
    • once ventricle walls have finished contracting, the heart muscle starts to relax (diastole); elastic tissue in the walls of ventricles recoils
    → this stretches the muscle out again and returns the ventricle to its original size, causing pressure in the ventricles to drop quickly
    • as it drops below the pressure in the major arteries, the blood starts to flow back towards the ventricles
    • the semilunar valves are pushed closed by the blood collecting in the pockets of the valves; preventing back flow of blood in ventricles
    • pressure wave created is the 'pulse' we feel
  • Pressure changes in the heart chambers
  • Pressure in the blood vessels
    blood enters the aorta and pulmonary artery but the tissues require blood to be delivered in an even flow
    • the artery walls close to the heart have a lot of elastic tissue (when blood leaves the heart, these walls stretch)
    • as blood moves out of the aorta, the pressure in the aorta starts to drop
  • Pressure in the blood vessels 2
    • the elastic recoil of the walls helps to maintain the blood pressure in the aorta; the further the blood flows along the arteries, the more the pressure drops and the fluctuations become less obvious
    • it is important to maintain the pressure gradient between the aorta and the arterioles, as this is what keeps the blood flowing towards the tissues
  • SAN is a small patch of tissue that generates electrical activity. It initiates a wave of excitation at regular intervals; 55-80 times/min for humans
    SAN is also known as the pacemaker
  • Contraction of the atria
    • wave of excitation quickly spreads over walls of atria
    • it travels along the membrane of the atria
    • as the wave of excitation passes, it causes the cardiac muscle to contract
    -> this is atrial systole
  • Contraction of the atria 2
    the tissue at the base of the atria isn’t able to conduct the wave to ventricles so the AVN (atrio-ventricular node), which is at the top of the intraventricular septum (separating the two ventricles), is the only way to conduct the wave.
    • The wave of excitation is delayed in the AVN node so the atria can finish contraction and allowing the blood to flow down into ventricles before contracting
  • Contraction of the ventricles
    after the AVN delay, the blood flows to a specialised conducting tissue called the Purkyne Tissue, runs down the intraventricular septum
    • at the base of the septum, wave of excitation spreads over the ventricles
    • as the excitation spreads upwards from base (apex) of ventricles, the muscles contract
    • this pushes the blood from the apex to the major arteries at the top of heart
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
    monitors electrical activity
    → this involves attaching a number of sensors on skin
    • some of the electrical activity spreads through the tissues next to the heart + outwards to the skin
    • the sensors of the skin pick up the electrical excitation created by heart + convert it into a trace
    → healthy person trace has a particular shape consisting of P,,Q,R,S,T
    • wave P shows the excitation of atria
    • wave Q,R,S show the excitation of ventricles
    • wave T shows diastole
  • Abnormal traces
    sinus rhythm - normal
    bradycardia - slow heart beat
    tachycardia - rapid heart beat
    atrial fibrillation - when no P waves are clear
    ectopic heartbeat - extra or early ventricular beat
  • Coordination of the cardiac cycle
    the cardiac muscle is described as myogenic as it can initiate its own contraction
    → the muscle will contract + relax even when it’s not connected to the body
    • atria + ventricles also have their own natural frequency of contraction; atrial contracts at a higher frequency
    → this can cause inefficent pumping causing fibrillation ( when contractions aren’t synchronised)
    • At the top right atrium, where the vena cava pumps blood into atrium, where SAN (sino-atrial node) is