Homeostasis and response

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  • Homeostasis is the maintenance of internal conditions within an organism, despite changes in external conditions.
  • Homeostasis maintains - blood glucose concentration, body temperature, water levels, and pH
  • The nervous system enables humans to respond to their surroundings and to coordinate their behaviour
  • cns stimulus - receptor - coordinatior - effector - response
  • receptors detect the change
    coordinator interpret that change
    effectors carry out the change
  • receptors - skin
    coordination - brain & spinal cord
    effectors - muscles & glands
  • sensory neurones carry info from receptors
    motor neurons carry to effectors
  • synapses a small gap at the end of a neuron that allows the neuron to communicate with another neuron
  • Reflex actions are automatic and rapid ; and dont involve the conscious part of the brain
  • Endocrine system is a system of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. The endocrine system regulates how much of each hormone is released
  • Insulin a hormone of pancreas that lowers blood glucose levels when it gets to high
  • Type 1 diabetes- pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin and is normally treated with insulin injections
  • Type 2 diabetes is when the body can't produce enough insulin or the body cells don't respond to insulin and main treatment is excersice and healthy low sugar diet
  • Insulin controls blood glucose levels by signaling the liver and muscle and fat cells to take in glucose from the blood
  • Glucagon ( opposite of insulin ) is released when blood glucose levels are too high
  • Glucagon and insulin have a negative feedback loop in which glucagon increases blood glucose levels and insulin decreases blood glucose levels
  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) causes maturation of an egg in the ovary
  • Luteinising hormone (LH) stimulates the release of an egg from the ovaries
  • Oestrogen and progesterone are involved in maintaing the uterus lining , incase the egg is fertilised and implants
  • contraception - different ways to prevent fertilisation
  • Types of contraceptives
    • pill
    • implant , skin patch or injection
    • condom or diaphragm
    • intrauterine devices or IVD
    • sterilisation
  • To treat infertility
    • Fertility drug in which includes FSH & LH
    • IVF treatment
  • IVF
    • pros - gives a women a chance of having a baby
    • cons - the succes rate is not high , IVF is expensive , could lead to the destroying of embroys & very stressful for parents also lead to multiple babies
  • Adrenaline - is a hormone that is released by the adrenal glands in times of fear and stress . It increases the heart rate and boosts the delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain & muscles preparing for ‘flight or figh’
  • Thyroxine from the thyroid gland stimulates the basal metabolic rate. It plays an important role in growth and development
  • thyroxine levels are controlled by negative feedback