Sewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread.
Sewing is one of the oldest of the textile arts
The following measuring tools are: L square or Tailor Square, French Curve, Ruler, Sewing Gauge, Tape Measure and Yard Stick
Tape Measure - a flexible measuring devices used in taking body measurments
Sewing Gauge - used for measurements of hem lines, button holes, and ares where other small measurements require checking, such as plants and tucks
Ruler - a useful tool to have measuring and drawing straight seam lines and cutting lines. Also, a clear ruler is a good tool for marking button holes
Yard Stick - used for marking hemlines and checking grain lines when laying out pattern
L square or Tailor Square - divides the garment into the desired measurements. It has perfect squares and is useful in making straight lines and numbers
French Curve - used to shape the depth of the neck holes and armhol of the pattern