
Cards (6)

  • C is a programming language developed by "DENNIS RITCHE" in the year 1972.
  • VARIABLE: Variable is the name of a memory location which stores some data.
    • Variables are case sensitive[a and A are two different words]
    • 1st character is an alphabet or "_"
    • No comma/blank space should be included.
    • No other symbol other than "_" can be used..
  • "int" stores integer value
  • "float" stores all the decimal values
  • "char" stores all the characters
  • Data types and their corresponding sizes in bytes:
    • char (or) signed char: 1 byte
    • unsigned char: 1 byte
    • int (or) signed int: 4 bytes
    • unsigned int: 2/4 bytes
    • short int (or) unsigned short int: 2 bytes
    • signed short int: 2 bytes
    • long int (or) signed long int: 4 bytes
    • unsigned long int: 4 bytes
    • float: 4 bytes
    • double: 8 bytes
    • long double: 16 bytes