The Olmec civilization is considered the oldest Mesoamerican civilization, Located in Atlantis coast of Southern Mexico
Central America is a subregion of the Americas, consisting of 7 countries, and the main languages that are spoken are derived from Latin the language
Olmec civilization is a polytheistic civilization where huge carved stones were important artifacts
The Mayan civilization is located in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is in Guatamala, Belize, Honduras
In Both Central and South America, they worship the Sun god, Inti being the name of the South
Mayans were mostly farmers and had a writing system called "glyphs", Which is considered one of the oldest written languages in the world
The Mayans believed that the year "2012" was the end of the world
In the classical civilization of Maya in Central America their number system was based on the number 20
The people of Maya constructed flat-top pyramids for religiousrituals
Despite the decline of the Mayan Civilization, by no means did the Mayan people disappear
The Aztec people are no longer present in modern day society
Aztec warriors offered the hearts o their captives for the protection of their god
Aztec is located in Tenochtitlan, which is the largest city in the Americas
During the arrival of the Spaniards, The Aztec civilization declined in 1519 when Hernando Cortes landed in Mexico
Montezuma II, The ruler of the Aztecs believed that Hernando Cortes was the bearded god but later killed by him
Smallpox affected both South and Central America, Which is a disease brought by Spaniards in Ships
The main contributions of classical civilizations in Central America were the development of the concept of zero in mathematics and the invention of a 365 days calendar
South America is a continent located entirely in the western hemisphere, mostly in the southern Hemisphere, and a relatively small portion in the northern hemisphere
South America is known as the "Southern subregion of America"
Tiahuanaco Culture emerged in Lake Titicaca, Little is known about their culture but they are excellent builders
Nazca is located in the North of Tiahuanaco, The significant inventions were mysterious huge geometrical figures that can be seen in the sky only
The Nazca and Inca civilizations were located in South America
Inca built their capital at Cuzco in Southern Peru
Inca was located in Ecuador, Columbia to Central Chile
The Inca people were descendants of the Sun god
Corn and potato were the main agriculture crops in Inca civilization
The Incas don't have a system of writing but rather developed "Quipus" used to record harvest and other events
The Inca civilization demissed due to the arrival of Fransico Pizzaro in 1532
Middle ages is the term used to describe Europe during the Fall of Rome and the beginning of the Renaissance
"Dark ages'' was the other term for Middle ages wherein no scientifically accomplishments have been made
Rome fell into 2 parts,the East Roman Empire was its Heir also called the "Byzantine Empire"
The Byzantine Empire's capital was Constantinople named after Emperor Constantine
Byzantine Empire's are was Greece, Asia Minor,Palestine, Syria, And Eygpt
The Byzantine Empire is present day Istanbul Turkey
The Political System of the Middle Ages was Feudualism supported by an economic system called Manorialism
Landowners were called Lords, Fief are units of Land, Vassal was the payment of some kind who received a fief
The nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service
Vassals were tenants of the nobility
peasants or villeins/serfs live on their lords land
Feudalism reinforced political decentralization where vassals had authority to their land