Reality refers to the state of existence of things independent of humanconsciousness
Philosophers believe in the existence of an "objective and absolute" reality. Which means that everything that exists in reality has a specific nature or character.
Man has the ability to sense and perceive reality. Which means that man has rationality.
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that addressesquestions regarding reality
Ontology focuses on the classification of existingthings. Study of existence.
Certainty refers to perfect knowledge that is free from error or doubt
Truth is the central concept in the question of certainty
Rationalism is a theory on knowledge which believes that knowledge is a priori knowledge or based on pure reasoning without the benefit of any experience
Empiricism is based on a posterioriknowledge or knowledge after experience
Skepticism believes that all knowledge is uncertain
Epistemology addresses the question of knowledge and how we know what we know. Study of knowledge
Question of Causality focuses on the causes of events and phenomena
Determinism is an important perspective regarding causality and agency
Ethics deals with the standards of right and wrong. It also governreasoning and action
Ethics seeks to formulate a set of standards and norms of "acceptable", "correct", and "good" behavior
Moral Philosophy applies and analyzes ethical concepts in various situations, contexts, and cultures. It is a guideline that govern the decisions and actions of people
systematicdoubt employ skepticalattitude and analyze questions to determine its validity or truthfulness.
Argument- Philosophers engage in discussion and debate on their ideas
dialectic analyze varied ideas and perspectives to formnewideas and information
Socraticmethod analyze a topic by formulating a series of questions. it is just talking with someone or exchanging pov’s. or asking questions and answering questions. Example is a teacher asking questions and students will engage by answering it.
Axioms are assumptions taken for granted in philosophical discussions. They provide foundation and direction in philosophy
Occam'sRazor states that among possible explanations, the one with the leastassumptions is the most acceptable
Formal logic is a systematic analysis of the validity of arguments and statements. proving the truthfulness of something
Allegories are imaginedscenarios used to illustrate a certain problem or describe a theory.uses Idiomatic expressions
Philosophy requires analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems
Problem-solving and decision-making are important aspects that benefit from knowledge of Philosophy
Philosophy contributes to self-development and attaining wisdom
Knowledge of Philosophy can contribute to self-development
reality includes tangible and intangible things including things that we cannot perceive and comprehend.
Concrete and abstract reality- general categories. It is tangible and intangible reality.
Knowledge - what man is able to know
Destiny - fixed outcome
Etiology- study of cause
Teleology- study of purpose
It uses syllogisms or logical arguments presented as series of related statements.
Formal logic
Formal logic uses
Syllogism or logical argument
Origin - source of something
Purpose - reason why a specific thing exist.
Ultimatecause - final purpose, final cause, final reason, final destination why we are here on earth.
Agency- ability to govern and control our action. Good and bad are based on yourself