Basic tissue

Cards (14)

  • Four types of tissue:
    • Epithelium: covers body surfaces, forms glands, protects and supports the body and organs
    • Connective Tissue: transmission of nerve impulses
    • Nervous Tissue: movement
    • Muscle
  • Functions of Epithelium:
    • Absorption of nutrients and ions (e.g. intestine)
    • Protection from mechanical abrasion, chemical injury, bacterial invasion (e.g. skin)
    • Sensory reception
    • Filtration
    • Secretion of enzymes, hormones, or mucous (e.g. gland)
  • Epithelium is structurally and functionally divided into 2 types:
    1. Covering & Lining epithelium
    2. Glandular epithelium
  • Classification of Covering Epithelium:
    • Number of cell layers: Simple, Stratified, Pseudostratified
    • Shape of cell: Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar
    • Surface specialization: Cilia, Microvilli, Stereocilia
  • Types of Covering Epithelium:
    • Simple: Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar, Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
    • Stratified: Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar, Transitional
    • Keratinized, Non-keratinized, Ciliated, Non-ciliated
  • Cell Junctions:
    • Epithelial cells adhere strongly to neighboring cells and basal laminae
  • Glandular Epithelium:
    • Epithelial cells are a major component of all glands
    • Classification based on number of cells, type of secretion, mode of secretion, duct/ductless, and shape
  • Components of Connective Tissue:
    • Cells: Wandering and Fixed cells
    • Extracellular Matrix: Fibres (Collagen, Elastic, Reticular) and Ground substance (Proteoglycan, Glycosaminoglycans, Glycoproteins)
  • Classification of Connective Tissue:
    • Embryonic CT, CT Proper, Specialized CT
    • Types include Mesenchymal CT, Mucous CT, Loose CT, Dense regular CT, Dense irregular CT, Adipose tissue, Reticular tissue, Cartilage, Bone, Blood
  • Types of Muscle:
    • Smooth Muscle: nonstriated, involuntary
    • Skeletal Muscle: striated, voluntary
    • Cardiac Muscle: striated, involuntary
  • Nervous Tissue:
    • Properties: Irritability, Conductivity
    • Constituents: Nerve cells/neurones, Nerve fibres, Neuroglial cells, Nerve endings
  • Neurons:
    • Classified based on structure, length of fiber, type of neurotransmitter, function, and clinical aspect
    • Types include Myelinated, Non-myelinated, Unipolar, Bipolar, Multipolar, Type I, Type II
  • Neuroglial Cells:
    • Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Microglia, Ependymal cells
  • Nerve Endings:
    • Sensory endings: receptors for general and special senses
    • Motor endings: terminal end plates on the surface of muscle fibres