Cards (10)

  • Nature of groups: 1. Categorization 2. Communication 3. Influence 4. Interrelations 5. Psychological Significance 6. Relations 7. Shared Identity 8. Size 9. Structure 10. Systems
  • Types of groups - 1. Primary 2. Social 3. Collectives 4. Categories
  • Types of collectives - 1. Crowds 2. Mobs 3. Riots
  • Importance of creating a productive group: 1. Positive Interdependence 2. Goals 3. Resources 4. Roles
  • How to create a creative group: 1. Identify goals 2. Assess personalities 3. Match skills to tasks 4. Promote collaboration 5. Facilitate communication 6. Reduce conflict
  • Stages of group development - 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning
  • multi-level perspective - 1. micro level - niches 2. meso level - regime 3. macro level - landscape
  • Research methods - 1. case studies 2. experiments 3. correlational studies
  • theoretical perspectives - 1. motivation and emotion 2. behavioral 3. cognitive 4. biological
  • characteristics of group: 1. size 2. goals 3. norms 4. structure 5. roles 6. interaction 7. collective identity