Defining human rights

Cards (6)

  • Human rights are rights that recognise the inherent vallue of each person, regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, status or background
  • The list of features come from the Office of the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Features of human rights [UIIENR]

    • Universal
    • Inalienable
    • Indivisible and independent
    • Equal
    • Non discriminatory
    • Rights and obligations
  • First Generation - [Protects civil and political rights]
    • Right to life, freedom of speech, property rights and voting rights etc
    • Can be found in articles 1 - 21 of the UDHR (1948) and ICCPR (1966)
  • Second generation rights - [Protects economic, social and cultural rights]
    • Can be found in Articles 22 - 30 of the UDHR (1948) and ICESCR (1966)
    • Economic - Right to work, right to adequete standard of living etc
    • Social - Right to health care, privacy, recreation etc
    • Cultural - Right to speak your own language, express your religion etc
  • Third generation rights - [International in scope]
    • Can only be addressed by global cooperation
    • Such as peace rights, environmental rights/right to a healthy environement etc