proteins and amino acids

Cards (36)

  • carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids
    three main classes of the food we consume
  • carbohydrates
    main energy source
  • lipids
    the body's main energy reserve
  • protein
    the body's source of energy for growth and cellular maintainance
  • proteins
    make up the second largest portion of cells after water
  • proteins
    are large polymeric compounds that cells synthesize from amino acids
  • 4 kcal/g

    during oxidation, proteins yields energy in the amount of
  • albumin
    Group of proteins characterized by heat coagulability and solubility in dilute salt solution
  • biuret test

    reagent is light blue but turns violet in the presence of proteins
  • xanthoproteic test
    respond to aromatic amino acids
  • yellow to orange color

    positive result for xanthoproteic test
  • millon's test

    gives positive result to proteins containing the phenolic amino acid tyrosine
  • old rose
    positive reaction to millon test
  • hopkins cole reaction
    specific for tryptophan, the only acid containing indole group
  • violet ring
    positive result for hopkins cole
  • red coloration

    positive result for pauly's test
  • pauly's test
    detection of tyrosine or histidine
  • lead acetate reaction
    detects amino acid containing a sulfur group
  • black precipitate
    positive result for lead acetate reaction
  • nitroprusside test

    test for cysteine
  • reddish-purple color

    positive result for nitroprusside test
  • sakaguchi reaction

    detection of protein with the amino acid containing the guanidinium group, arginine
  • red-orange color

    positive result for sakaguchi reaction
  • heller's ring test

    detect the presence of albumin by the formation of white ring
  • denaturation
    the unfolding and rearrangement of the secondary and tertiary structures of protein without breaking peptide bonds
  • reverse denaturation
    For mild condition, protein can be restored to its original conformation by carefully reversing the conditions that caused the denaturation
  • heat, violent shaking, very high pressure, and ultraviolet radiation
    physical agents of denaturation
  • extreme ph, high salt concentration, heavy metal ions, organic solvents, and surface active solvents
    chemical agents of denaturation
  • heat
    gentle heating-reversible denaturation
  • vigorous heating
    disrupts different types of bonds
  • pH
    disrupt h-bonds and salt bridges resulting in irreversible denaturation
  • concentrated mineral acids
    disrupt h-bonds and salt linkages
  • alcohol
    coagulates all types of proteins except prolamines
  • salts of heavy metals
    disrupts salt bridges and disulfide bonds
  • alkaloidal reagents
    denature protein by disrupting salt bridges and h-bonds
  • tannic acid
    present in tea, which forms crusts and reduce the amount of water loss from the area and also reduces exposure to air