Poetic devices

Cards (13)

  • Onomatopoeia
    the naming of a thing or action by imitation of natural sounds e.g buzz, fizz, bam
  • Repetition
    Repeating words, phrases or verses
  • Metaphor
    a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.
  • Sensory imagery
    Vivid description of sight, touch smell, taste and sound
  • Simile
    Comparing two unlike things with words like, as or than
  • Rhyme
    correspondents of sound
  • Personification
    Giving human qualities or actions to something non-human
  • Rhetorical question
    A question that is not meant to be answered
  • Hyperbole
    Deliberate exaggeration for added effect, usually done through a metaphor
  • Irony
    the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning e.g. fire truck on fire
  • Litany
    a long, repetitive list or series of grievances e.g. pray for us
  • Collective language
    Language that is inclusive to the audience e.g. we, us
  • Assonance
    the repetition of vowel sounds within words.