TheInternationalWorkingGroup for IndigenousAffairsthreeprimaryrationales
Aetas in Pampanga, they are refered to as baluga or black people
Sama people being called siyamal or dirty
The word indigenous comes from the Latin word indigenous which means native or original inhabitant.
Indigenous - original inhabitants of the land
The term indigenous used continuously, whether as a formofcollective name for categorization or asrepresentatiintothelegal issues
Canada - first/people or nations
Australia - aboriginals
Nepal - janajati
India - adivasi
Orang asli - tribal people
Bumiputera - son of soil
Two primary similarities in existing definitions ofIPG
Article 1 Section 2ofILO Conveniention Number 169 - magnitude of the right to self identification of tribal or IP groups
Self Identification - fundamental criterion for whether a person considers himself as tribal or indigenous
Preservation, Development, and Transmission - the basis of their existence as people who are in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal systems.