The Earth consists of 4 spheres: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, and Biosphere
Atmosphere is the layer of gases and tiny particles that surround the earth
Hydrosphere refers to all water found on earth and in the atmosphere which includes water in its solid, liquid and gaseous state
Lithosphere is the layer of rock that form the earth’s surface
Biosphere refers to all living things on the Earth
Housing refers to the structures of buildings developed by people to shelter themselves from the elements
Transport systems refers to the equipment, infrastructure and networks that support the movement of people and goods from one location to another
Space refers to a physical area on the earth‘s surface
Location is expressed using a set of coordinates like latitude and longitude. It is also arranged in a spatial pattern
Place refers to an area on the earth‘s surface that holds special meaning for people
Environment refers to the physical and built environment
Scale is the level of detail at which geographers studies something
The three scales that geographers use are map scale, time scale, and geographic scale
The five stages of conducting geographical investigation is framing the geographical investigation, collecting data, analysing and presenting data, drawing conclusions, reflecting and taking action
Resource is a material that is identified by people to be useful
Renewable resources are replenished naturally more or less within the same time period when they are used
Non renewable materials may or may not be replenished naturally
The 3Rs are reduce, reuse, recycle
the hydrological cycle is a sequence of processes like precipitation, infiltration, percolation, ground water, surface runoff, evaporation, transpiration, and condensation