Result of gain level being too high for signals entering the modulator: Distortion and splatter
Amplitude modulation causes the amount of transmitter power to increase
When a carrier is modulated 100%, the total power increases by 50% over that of the carrier alone
When the amplitude of the modulating voltage is increased for AM, the antenna current will increase
Modulation index will be increased by a factor of √2 when a second modulating tone with the same amplitude but a different frequency is added to the first at the input to the modulator
Modulation methods used for a common-emitter configuration: Base modulation and collector modulation
Unwanted sidebands in SSB equipment can be suppressed by phasing method and filter method
Envelope detection is concerned with the process of rectification
Diagonal clipping in envelope detection will result in distortion
Product detection requires the process of heterodyning
A sine wave that is coherent with the carrier has identical frequency and phase angle
Frequency modulation and phase modulation are collectively referred to as angle modulation
In FM, the change in carrier frequency is proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal
A louder sound generating the modulating waveform for FM will cause a greater frequencydeviation
Device whose capacitance is deliberately made to be a function of the applied voltage: Varactor diode
Reactance modulator is one method of obtaining directFM
Device useful for direct FM and as one element in the phase-locked loop: VCO
Frequency change process where phase deviation and frequency deviation are multiplied by some fixed constant: Multiplication
Circuit that demodulates the frequency-modulated signal: Foster-Seeley discriminator
Ratio detector is superior to the slope detector because itislesssensitivetonoisespikes and interferencecausingAM
One implementation of a pulse-averaging discriminator is a triggered multivibrator
Two different signals can be coherent if they have the samefrequency
Quadrature detector requires that the inputsarecoherent
In a phase-locked loop, the VCO stands for voltage-controlled oscillator
Advantages of a properly designed FM system: Relative immunity to atmospheric noise (lightning)
Output of a balanced modulator: LSB and USB
If the modulation index of an AM wave is changed from 0 to 1, the transmitted power is increased by 50%
If the unmodulated level peak carrier amplitude is doubled in an AM signal, the perfect modulation is 100
Balanced modulator circuit when inserted in the equivalent suppresses the carrier
Carrier of a 100% modulated AM wave is suppressed, and the percentage power saving is 66.66%
If the modulation index of an AM wave is doubled, the antenna current is also doubled, the AM system being used is J3E
100% modulation in AM means a corresponding increase in total power by 50%
Single-tone amplitude modulated wave has 3components
Carrier signal has constantpeakamplitude
Modulating system is frequencymodulation if the modulating frequency is doubled, the modulation index is halved, and the modulating voltage remains constant
Modulation index of an FM signal if its modulating frequency is doubled is one-halftheoriginalindex
AM transmitter rated 1000 W at 100% modulation requires 666.6 W for the carrier
Standard way of designating AM: A3E
Circuit used to detect frequency-modulated signals: Discriminator
Information signal sent directly without modulating any carrier: Baseband