Types of experiments

Cards (4)

  • Types of experiment:
    describe and evaluate a laboratory experiment?

    Highly controlled setting
    DV measured in a control setting
    IV changed by the researcher
    + high control of EVs
    + can be easily replicated
    + high internal validity
    ~ demand characteristics
    ~ low external validity
  • Types of experiment:
    describe and evaluate field experiment 

    researcher manipulating the IV in the natural setting
    DV measured in the natural environment
    + high mundane realism
    + high external validity
    ~ EVs - cannot be sure if the IV effects the DV
    ~ ethical issues
  • Types of experiment:
    describe and evaluate A natural experiment

    IV not manipulated
    DV measured in a natural setting
    + high mundane realism
    + high external validity
    ~ may only happen rarely
    ~ hard to control EVs
  • Types of experiment:
    describe and evaluate a quasi-experiment
    No manipulation of the IV —> existing condition
    often carried out in a lab environment
    + carried out in a control setting
    + high ecological validity
    ~ could be an uneven mix —> cannot randomly allocate participants to conditions
    ~ other variables (confounding) may effect DV