Classifying Invertebrates

Cards (14)

  • Invertebrates : opposites of vertebrates, they are animals without a backbone or a vertebral column.
  • Arthropods: They have segmented bodies, tough exoskeletons, and jointed appendages.
  • They are arthropods that have 8 legs, they have 2 body segments and no antennae. They usually live on land and only a few live in water.
    These are arachnids.
  • Centipede means "hundred feet". Most of these have less than 100 but some have more. They have 15-173 pairs of legs.
    They have flattened bodies divided into head and trunk.
    The head has a pair of long antennae and a pair of poison claws called maxillepedes. The antennae are long and slender with 14-100 segments.
  • Milipedes ( last members of phylum arthropoda)
    Referred to as diplopods,
    Milipede means a thousand feet.
    They have bodies that have 20-100 segments.
    Body is divided into head, thorax and trunk.
    Head contains a single pair of antennae with 7-8 segments.
    Milipedes have two pairs of legs on each of their abdominal segment.
  • Mollusks : soft bodied animals
    a huge group of them have external shells like snails and clams.
    can be classified into univavles, gastropods, bivavles, cephalopods.
  • Echinoderms ( spiny-skinned animals )
    Echinoderms are animals that live in marine water, they are distributed in the marine ecosystem as: sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers.
  • Sponges (Pone-bearing animals)
    They are members of the porifera.
    they do not have organ systems or any other sophisticated body parts.
    they have no tissues and organs and no symmetry.
    all sponges are aquatic, most live in salt water
    their skeleton is made up of tiny, needle-like structures called spicules. they're made by silica (limestone or calcium carbonate), a glass-like mineral. these serve as protection from animals trying to eat them.
  • They are arthropods that have 8 legs, they have 2 body segments and no antennae. They usually live on land and only a few live in water.
    These are arachnids.
  • Cnidarians (ni-darians pronunciation, silent C)
    these are stinging-cell animals, their stinging cells are called nematocysts.
    they have one body opening and two layer cells.
    they have tissue and radial symmetry, having adapted to aquatic floating or sessile attachment to surfaces underwater
    the two general body forms found among them are polyp ad medusa.
    polyp - cylindrical body form with mouth and tentacles at the upper open end.
    medusa - shaped like upside down bowl with mouth and tentacles facing downward.
  • Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
    either free-living organisms/parasites
    thin, flat, acoelomate animals that can be freely living or parasitic.
    thin, flat bodies that resemble a ribbon and have definite head regions
    epidermis covers the animal's body. a tightly packed mass of cells called parenchyma fills the body between the epidermis and intestine.
    they are hermaphrodites because they produce eggs and sperm cells.
  • Major Groups of Flatworms
    Planarian - they live in streams, lakes, sewater or damp soil. they have two dark photoreceptors that detect light.
    Tapeworm - are parasites of the human intestine and feed on digested food of its host.
    Fluke - they stay in the liver of their host, being able to enter the human body through the skin.
    causes blood loss and diarrhea.
  • NEMATODES (Roundworms)
    Unsegmented worms have long, thin, rounded bodies tapered at both ends and covered by a tough cuticle.
    Examples include hookworm and pinworm.
    Hookworm - small roundworms that enter human bodies through the skin. they live in yhr inyrdyimrd.
    Pinworms - common parasitic roundworms that can infect children.
    Annelids (name came from the Latin word annulus)
    they have soft bodies, and are bilaterally symmetrical invertebrates.
    they have segmented bodies that alow for specialization of tissues and for movement.
  • Annelids (name came from the Latin word annulus)
    they have soft bodies, and are bilaterally symmetrical invertebrates.
    they have segmented bodies that alow for specialization of tissues and for movement.