Observational technique

Cards (6)

  • Observational technique:
    describe and evaluate participant observation
    Researcher becomes part of the group
    + increased insight
    + high external validity
    ~ may become attached
    ~ subjective
  • Observational technique:
    describe and evaluate non-participant observation

    researcher separate from the group, records behaviour
    + maintains psychological distance
    + objective
    ~ loss of valuable insight
  • Observational technique:
    describe and evaluate covert observation

    participants unaware their behaviour is focus of a study
    + no demand characteristics
    + high internal validity
    ~ ethical issues
    ~ hard to replicate
  • Observational technique:
    describe and evaluate overt observation
    Participants aware, given informed consent
    + more ethically acceptable
    + more replicable
    ~ demand characteristic
  • Observational technique:
    describe and evaluate controlled observation
    Control over EVs to observe effects
    + EVs controlled
    + easy to replicate
    ~ cannot be applied to everyday life
    ~ demand characteristics
  • Observational technique:
    describe and evaluate Naturalistic observations
    In a natural setting where behaviour would normally occur
    + high external validity
    + generalisable to everyday
    ~ hard to replicate
    ~ EVs