Sampling techniques

Cards (6)

  • Sampling techniques:
    what is the population, target population and sample?
    Population - large group of people
    target population - group that are the focus
    sample - group from the TP who take part
  • Types of sampling:
    describe and evaluate random sampling 

    all members of the population have an equal chance of being selected
    random number generator / name out a hat
    + potentially unbias
    ~ may still be unrepresentative
    ~ participants may refuse to take part
  • Types of sampling:
    describe and evaluate opportunity sampling 

    selecting anyone who is available and willing
    + easy
    + cheap
    ~ unrepresentative - from one area
    ~ researcher bias
  • Types of sampling:
    describe and evaluate volunteer sampling 

    asking people to sign-up
    eg. adverts, social media, payment
    + easy - they come to you
    + participants more engaged- want to be there
    ~ volunteer bias - attract a certain type
  • Types of sampling:
    describe and evaluate Systematic sampling
    Every Nth member of TP is selected
    sampling frame produced so are organised by a characteristic
    + objective
    + no researcher bias
    ~ time consuming and difficult
    ~ may refuse to take part
  • Types of sampling:
    Describe and evaluate stratified sampling

    Look at the population —> strata- work out the strata / characteristic % within the population —> random sampling - according to the %, randomly sample your participants from the TP
    + extremely representative
    + generalisation possible
    ~ difficult / time consuming
    ~ complete representation of TP not possible