Aims and hypotheses

Cards (7)

  • What is an aim?
    What we intend to investigate
  • what is a hypothesis?
    statement about what will happen
  • what is the difference between a one-tailed (directional) and two-tailed (non-directional) hypothesis?
    one-tailed specifies the direction of differences
    two-tailed doesn‘t specify a direction, only a prediction
  • what are investigator effects?
    unconscious bias that could effect the outcome of the study
    eg. Smiling, frowning and leading questions
  • what is ecological validity?
    the extent to which findings can be generalised to a REAL-LIFE setting
  • what is external validity?
    the extent to which findings can be generalised OUTSIDE THE RESEARCH SETTING
  • What is internal validity?
    Extent to which the study accurately measures what it intends to