Self-report methods

Cards (16)

  • Self report methods:
    what is a questionnaire?
    pre-set written questions
    assess thoughts and/or feelings
    may be used to asses dependant variable
  • Self report methods:
    what is an open-question?
    Doesn’t have a fixed range of answers —> participants free to Use
    produce qualitative data
  • Self report methods:
    what is a closed-question?
    offers a fixed number of responses
    can be qualitative data —> can be turned into quantitative data
    easy to analyse but answers may lack depth and detail
  • closed questions:
    what is the likely scale?
    strongly agree—agree—neutral—disagree-strongly disagree
  • closed questions:
    what is the rating scale?
    very entertaining 1 2 3 4 5 not entertaining at all
  • Closed questions:
    what is the fixed choice?
    [] entertaining. [] boring
  • what are filler questions?
    questions included to disguise the aim of the study
    they are included to confuse the participants as they have nothing to do with the study
  • what are structured interviews?
    pre-determined set of questions that are asked in a fixed order
  • what are unstructured interviews?
    no set questions but a general topic
    interviewee is encouraged to expand on their answers
  • what are semi-structured interview?
    A list of questions have already been set but they are free to ask any follow up questions
  • what are strengths of questionnaires?
    cost effective
    gather lots of data quickly
    can be completed without researcher present
    data can be easily analysed
    comparisons can be made
  • what are weaknesses of questionnaires?
    social desirability bias
    response bias - responding in a similar way
    acquiescence bias - agreeing regardless
  • strengths of structured interviews?
    standardised —> easily replicated
    reduced differences between interviews
  • weaknesses of structured interviews?
    leading questions
  • strengths of unstructured interviews?
    more flexibility
    more in-sight —> able to ask flow up questions
  • weakness of unstructured interviews?
    interviewer bias
    hard to draw conclusions
    hard to analyse data