Emerging Technology - are technologies that are currentlydeveloping, the next five to ten years, and is usually reserved for technologies to create significant social or economic effects.
Technology (Greek word "tekhnologia") is the systematic treatment of an art, or technique
Evolution (Latin word is "evolutio") is the process of developing by gradual changes
Top 10 Emerging Technologies according to CompTIA:
10) Quantum Computing
9) Blockchain
8) Biometrics
7) Drones
6) 3D Printing
5) 5G
4) AR/VR
3) Artificial Intelligence
2.) Automation
1stIndustrial Revolution (1IR) began in the 18th century through the use of steam power and mechanisation of production. First Steam Power happened in England, through their trains.
2ndIndustrialRevolution (2IR) began in 19th century through the discovery of electricity and assembly line production.
Henry Ford took the idea of mass production from a slaughterhouse in Chicago (USA)
3rd Industrial Revolution (3IR) began in the '70s through partial automation using memory-programmable controls and computers.
3IR introduced the transition from mechanical and analog electronic technology to digital electronics.
4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) is characterised by the application of information and communicationtechnologies to industry. Also known as "Industry 4.0".
Cyber-Physical System is a mechanism that is controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms, tightly integrated with the Internet and its users.
Data is the "new oil" of the digital economy.
Stages of AI (HMI)
Stage 1 - Machine Learning (Siri, Alexa, Cortana)
Stage 2 - Machine Intelligence ( our current technology)