Potential difference (voltage) and resistance: Physics AQA: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (16)

  • Potential difference (voltage)
    A measure of the amount of energy given to the charge carriers (electrons) in a circuit
  • E = QV
    The equation linking energy transferred, charge flow and potential difference
  • E
    The symbol for energy transferred
  • Q
    The symbol for charge flow
  • V
    The symbol for potential difference
  • Joules (J)
    The SI unit for energy and work
  • Coulombs (C)

    The SI unit for charge flow
  • Volts (V)

    The SI unit for potential difference
  • 1 volt is equal to
    The potential difference when one coulomb of charge transfers one joule of energy (1 V = 1 J/C)
  • V = IR
    The equation linking potential difference, current and resistance; also known as Ohm's Law
  • Current
    The rate of flow of electric charge (electrons) around a circuit
  • Resistance
    The opposition to the movement of electric current through a material
  • I
    The symbol for current
  • R
    The symbol for resistance
  • Amps/amperes (A)

    The SI unit for current
  • Ohms (Ω)

    The SI unit for resistance