Cards (10)

  • Anthraquinone Glycosides
    • These glycosides are characterized by a chemical test, known as Borntrager test
    • The common aglycones are aloe-emodin, emodin, rhein, chrysophanol and physcion
    • The sugars presents are usually arabinose, rhamnose and glucose
    • Use: Stimulant Cathartic
    • Penicillium islandicum, a species that produces several anthraquinone derivatives
    • Chronic use can lead to melanosis coli
  • Melanosis coli is a harmless
    condition in which the lining
    of the colon and rectum,
    which is usually pink in color,
    turns a shade of black or
  • A.Cascara sagrada/Rhamnus pershiana
    • Rhamnus purshianus
    • Uses: cathartic.
    • Its principal use is in the correction of habitual constipation, where it not only acts as a laxative but restores natural tone of colon.
    • Casanthranol is a purified mixture of the anthranol glycosides extracted from cascara sagrada
  • B. Frangula
    • Dried bark from Rhamnus frangula
    • The composition and activity of frangula bark correspond to those of C. sagrada
    • Component of an OTC product Movicol
    • Cured for 1 year
  • C. Aloe
    Curacao aloe - Aloe barbadensis
    Cape aloe - Aloe spicata
    ● Aloe is a pharmaceutical aid for compound benzoin tincture and a cathartic, which acts in the large intestines. Has a drastic effect
    ● Preparations
    Barbaloin A - cathartic component
    Aloe vera gel - management of burn
  • D. Rheum
    • Chinese Rheum/ Rhubarb
    • From dried rhizome and root Rheum officinale
    • Rhein anthrones - drastic cathartic
  • E. Senna
    • Tinnevelly - Cassia angustifolia
    • Alexandria - Cassia acutifolia
    • Grown in paddies square lots of land
    • Use: senna is a cathartic. Dose is 2g
  • F. Chrysarobin
    A mixture of neutral principles from Goa powder
    • Andira araroba
    • Not employed as a cathartic but a keratolytic agent tx for psoriasis, trichophytosis , and chronic
    Not employed as a cathartic but a keratolytic agent tx for psoriasis, trichophytosis , and chronic eczema
  • G. Danthron/Chrysazin
    • Is 1,8 dihydroxyanthraquinone.
    • It occurs as a orange colored crystalline powder that is practically insoluble with water.
    • Use:
    danthron is a cathartic drug and is an important intermediate in the manufacture of anthralin and of alizarin and indanthrene dye stuffs.
    Dose is 75-150mg