Nuclear reactors: Physics AQA: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (14)

  • Nuclear reactor
    A piece of equipment in a nuclear power station in which nuclear fission or fusion takes place
  • Nuclear fission reactor
    Used to power commercial nuclear power stations
  • Nuclear fuel
    The uranium (or plutonium) isotopes that undergo nuclear fission
  • Fuel rods
    Rods in the nuclear reactor that contain the fuel so that the neutrons released from fission will travel and cause fission in other rods
  • Moderator
    Surrounds the fuel rods and slows the neutrons so that they are more readily absorbed by a nearby fuel rod
  • Material used for the moderator
    Usually graphite
  • Chain reaction
    When the neutrons released from a nucleus go on to cause the splitting of further nuclei
  • Control rods
    Rods that stop neutrons from travelling between fuel rods by absorbing them in order to control the rate of the chain reaction
  • Materials used for control rods
    Usually boron or cadmium
  • Concrete shielding
    Used to contain the products of the fission reaction as they are radioactive and can be hazardous
  • Coolant
    heated up by the energy released from the fission reactions and then used to boil water to turn it into steam
  • Steam
    Used to drive the turbines in a power station
  • Turbine
    a device with blades that can be turned by water, wind, steam and is used to turn the generator in a power station
  • Generator
    An electromagnetic device that produces electricity in a power station when it turned by the turbines