Cell morphology

Cards (55)

  • Prokaryotes are organisms that do not possess a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles (e.g., bacteria)
  • Eukaryotic organisms are those that possess a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. They are usually multicellular organisms and include plants, fungi, parasites, and algae
  • Prokaryotic cells:
    • Genetic material not enclosed within a membrane; not associated with histones; usually circular
    • Size smaller (1 - 2 micrometer by 1 - 4 micrometer or less)
    • Cell type mostly unicellular
    • Nucleus no true nucleus and nuclear membrane; nucleoid
    • Cell wall simple
    • Cell division budding or binary fission
    • Cytoskeleton absent
    • Mesosome function as mitochondria and Golgi complex
    • Ribosomes 70S; located in cytoplasm
    • Membrane-bound organelles absent
    • Extrachromosomal plasmid present
    • Duration of cell cycle short (20 - 60mins)
  • Eukaryotic cells:
    • Genetic material enclosed within a membrane; associated with histones; usually linear
    • Size greater than 5 micrometer in diameter
    • Cell type mostly multicellular
    • Nucleus with true nucleus enclosed by nuclear membrane
    • Cell wall complex
    • Cell division mitosis
    • Sexual reproduction meiosis
    • Cytoskeleton present
    • Ribosomes 80S; located in membrane such as ER
    • Membrane-bound organelles present
    • Extrachromosomal plasmid absent
    • Duration of cell cycle long (12 - 24 hrs)
  • Histones are proteins that DNA wraps around to form chromatin
  • Bacteria are prokaryotic cells with majority having an outer covering called the cell wall that is composed of peptidoglycan
  • Membrane-bound organelles are present in eukaryotic cells but absent in prokaryotic cells
  • Louis Pasteur proved that bacteria could cause a disease
  • Viruses are acellular organisms with an outer surface called capsid
  • Viruses possess only a single nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, but never both
  • Viruses lack the necessary cellular parts that can allow them to replicate independent of the host cell
  • Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites
  • Bacteriophages are special types of viruses that primarily infect bacteria
  • Bacteriophages play a role in the acquisition of virulence factors of certain bacteria and in the transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another
  • When -ssRNA virus enters the host, it will immediately be translated into protein (True)
  • Capsid is a protein (True)
  • DNA virus have both + and - ssDNA (False)
  • Fungi are eukaryotic cells with an outer surface composed mainly of chitin
  • Fungal ribosomes are larger than bacterial ribosomes (80Svedberg unit)
  • Fungi possess both DNA and RNA
  • Fungi possess a true nucleus that is enclosed by a nuclear membrane and mitochondria that function for ATP production
  • Protozoa are eukaryotic cells that have an outer surface called pellicle
  • Protozoa are unicellular organisms that usually divide through binary fission
  • Algae are eukaryotic organisms whose outer surface consists primarily of cellulose
  • Algae do not produce disease in humans
  • Algae are important sources of food, iodine, and other minerals
  • Algae are composed of roots, stems, and leaves (False)
  • Algae use carbon dioxide as an energy source
  • Cocci are spherical or round-shaped organisms
  • Bacilli are rod-shaped organisms
  • Acid-fast cell walls possess an outer layer that is lipid-rich
  • Acid-fast cell walls are composed of a large amount of waxes known as myolic acids
  • Glycocalyx is the outermost covering of some bacteria
  • Cell wall provides rigid support and gives shape to the bacteria
  • Teichoic acids function for the attachment of the organism to host cells
  • Polysaccharides in gram-positive cell walls include neutral sugars and some acidic sugars
  • Outer membrane of gram-negative cell walls is a bi-layered structure with lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
  • Lipoprotein anchors the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan layer
  • Periplasmic space is a fluid-filled space between the outer membrane and the inner plasma membrane
  • The plural form of bacterium is BACTERIA