
Cards (3)

    • causes candidiasis.
    • members of normal flora of skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract
    • most common agents are C.albicans, C.parapsilosis
  • Morphology and identification
    • as oval, budding yeast cells
    • form pseudohyphae
    • unlike other species of Candita, C.albicans is dimorphic produce true hyphae.
    • Candita species produce soft, cream-colored colonies
  • Diagnostic laboratory tests
    (1) Specimens
    (2) Microscopic examination
    (3) Culture
    • on fungal or bacteriological media at 37 °C
    • C.albicans is identified by production of germ tubes or chlamydospores.
    (4) Sero logy