What was his first labour and what happened during it?
1st labour: NemeanLion
Event: He stranglesthelion to death as his skinisimpenetrable, and skins the lion and makesitsfuracloak
What was the name if his 2nd labour and what happened during it?
2nd Labour: Lernaean Hydra Event: Hercules defeated the Hydra by cutting its neck and seal its neck with a torch to prevent regrowth.
What was Hercules' 3rd labour and what happened?
3rd labour: Capture of the Golden Hind. Event: Hercules captured the Hind alive by tying its legs and carrying it back to Mycenae.
What was Hercules' 4th labour and what happened?
4th labour: The Erymanthian Boar.
Event: A massive boar was terrorising the countryside . Hercules chased it and when it got tired Hercules carried it to Mycenae
What was Hercules' 5th labour and what happened?
5th Labour: The Augean Stables.
Event: Hercules diverted two rivers to clean the stables in a single day. Augeas refused to pay him so he defeated the king with an army.
What was Hercules' 6th labour and what happened?
6th Labour: Stymphalian Birds.
Event: Hercules used a rattle made by Hephaistos to rouse the birds into the sky he then shot them down.
What was Hercules' 7th labour and what happened?
7th Labour: Cretan Bull
Event: The bull has been destroying Cretan land. Hercules Crept up behind the bull and strangled it but let it breathe. He rides the bull acres the sea to Greece
What was Hercules' 8th labour and what happened?
8th labour: Mares of Diomedes.
Event: Hercules tamed the man-eating horses by feeding them their owner, Diomedes, because the horses ate his friend
What was Hercules' 9th labour and what happened?
9th Labour: Hippolyte's belt
Event: Hippolyte gave her belt to Hercules, Hera disguised herself as a Amazon and said that Hercules wanted Hippolyte. So the Amazons decide to kill him, he though that this was what the queen had planed and then he killed Hippolyte
What was Hercules' 10th labour and what happened?
10th Labour: The Cattle of Geryon.
Event: Hercules had to retrieve the cattle, with red hides, as he was leaving another shepherd warned Geryon about it and Hercules managed to defeat him with his club and bow & arrow
What was Hercules' 11th labour and what happened?
11th Labour: Apples of the Hesperides.
Event: Hercules had to find the golden apples. He went to get the apples from Atlas. Atlas made him hold up the sky and Hercules tricked him and got the apples.
What was Hercules' 12th labour and what happened?
12th Labour: Cerberus
Event: Hades and Persephone said that if he could capture Cerberus without weapons he could take him. He strangled Cerberus.
Hercules' parents are Alcmene and Zeus.
Hercules was sent on the 12 Labours by King Eurystheus