Investigating membrane properties

Cards (7)

  • 2 factors that affect the permeability of cell membranes
    • temperature
    • concentration of ethanol
  • Beetroot for permeability of cells
    • higher permeability, more red pigment leaking out
    • colorimeter can be used to determine absorbance, hence concentration of pigment
  • Procedure to investigate effect of temperature on permeability of cell membrane
    1. cut beetroot into 8 identical cubes with scalpel
    2. place each cube in a different test tube with equal volumes of distilled water
    3. place each test tube into water baths ranging from 30 - 80 degrees. leave for 20 minutes
    4. filter each solution out into a cuvette and measure the absorbance
  • Safety hazards for testing effect of ethanol on membrane activity
    • ethanol is an irritant and is flammable
    • keep away from naked flames
    • wear eye protection
    • keep scalpel away from fingers
    • handle hot liquid with care
  • Temperature on membrane permeability
    • increasing temp mean increased permeability
    • high temps denature the membrane proteins, this creates gaps in the membrane for molecules to pass through
    • also increases kinetic energy of phospholipids so they move more and are less compact, increasing permeability
  • Membrane permeability below 0 degrees
    • below 0, ice crystals form
    • piercing the membrane, forming holes for substances to leak out
  • Ethanol on membrane permeability
    • increasing ethanol concentration leads to increased membrane permeability
    • ethanol ruptures the membrane to form gaps for molecules to pass through