
Cards (41)

  • AUGUSTCAUCHY - famous for his studies in number theory and compositional algebra
  • SRINIVASA IYENGAR RAMANUJAN - Indian mathematician who made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions
  • JACOB BERNOULLI - mathematician and physicist who introduced the symbol e
  • MARIN MERSENNE - known for his formula for finding prime numbers (2^n - 1 where n is a prime number)
  • PIERRE DE FERMAT - known for Fermat's Last Theorem that x^n + y^n = z^n has no positive solutions if n is greater or equal to 3
  • CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS - introduced the normal distribution, the congruence symbol or modulus in number theory, a method of finding the echelon of a matrix, and devised a formula for finding the sums of a given sequence
  • JOHN NAPIER - famous for his introduction of logarithms
  • WILLIAM ROWAN HAMILTON - known for his discovery and introduction of quaternions
  • ARABS - contributed mostly in the field of Mathematics during Medieval Ages and spread the modern numeral system
  • HENRY BRIGGS - known for his Briggsian logarithm with a base of 10
  • WILLIAM OUGHTRED - inventor of the slide rule and introduced the multiplication rule
  • DE MOIVRE - devised the formula for polar coordinates and complex numbers
  • ARISTOTLE - Father of Logic
  • CAPTAIN JOHN HUDDART - inventor of the protractor, an instrument for measuring angles
  • LORENTZ - introduced the Lorentz factor and Lorentz butterfly as models of chaos theory
  • GOTTFRIED WILHELM VON LEIBNIZ - known for his contributions to mathematics
  • ALBERT EINSTEIN - famous for his equation E = mc²
  • GEORG FRIEDRICH RIEMANN - known for his introduction of elliptical geometry
  • LEONHARD EULER - blind mathematician known for Euler's number (e), modern symbols for differentiation, attempted to find the value of pi, and devised the formula for the Platonic solids
  • KARL THEODOR WILHELM WEIERSTRASS - "Father of Modern Analysis" who formalized the definition of the continuity of a function, proved the intermediate value theorem and the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, and studied the properties of continuous functions on closed bounded intervals
  • Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz:
    • Founder of calculus with Isaac Newton
    • Introduced the Leibniz rule and modern symbol for integration, the elongated S
  • Georg Cantor:
    • Introduced set theory and some symbols for set theory
  • Pappus:
    • Known for his theorem on solid of revolutions
  • Niels Henrik Abel:
    • Known for his Abellian group used in number theory
  • Gabriel Cramer:
    • Devised the method of solving linear equations through determinants
  • Johannes Kepler:
    • Physicist and mathematician
    • Devised the three planetary laws
    • Concluded that the orbit of the planets are elliptical
  • Isaac Newton:
    • Founder of calculus
    • Devised the method of fluxions and the fluents
  • Guillaume de l'Hospital:
    • Known for his special rule for limits stating that the limit of f(x)/g(x) as x approaches a certain value is the partial derivative of f(x) and g(x) provided f(x)/g(x) is intermediate
  • Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi:
    • Made fundamental contributions to elliptic functions, dynamics, differential equations, and number theory
  • David Hilbert:
    • Known for Hilbert's problem composed of difficult math problems that cannot be solved
  • Thales of Miletus:
    • Greek philosopher who proved that the triangle inscribed in a semicircle is a right triangle
  • Apollonius of Perga:
    • Famous for his studies on conic sections
  • Pythagoras:
    • Known for his theorem on the sum of squares in a right triangle (Pythagorean Theorem)
    • Introduced numerology
  • Archimedes:
    • Famous Greek physicist and mathematician
    • Devised the method of exhaustion
    • First to attempt finding the value of pi
    • Known for his books about spheres
    • Known for Archimedes' screw and Archimedes' principle
  • Gottfried Leibniz:
    • First to use a dot to indicate multiplication of algebraic terms in 1686
  • Thomas Harriot:
    • First to introduce the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols in 1631
  • Simon Stevin:
    • Dutchman responsible for our use of decimals.Wrote La Disme on the use of decimals. Dutchman responsible for our use of decimalsWrote La Disme on the use of decimals
    • Dutchman responsible for our use of decimals.Wrote La Disme on the use of decimals Dutchman responsible for our use of decimalsWrote La Disme on the use of decimals
  • Johann Heinrich Rahn:
    • Swiss mathematician who introduced the symbol + for division
  • Al-Hassar:
    • Arabic author who used a horizontal line between the dividend and divisor as we do today
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz:
    • German mathematician who used a period to indicate multiplication