Themes & Imagery

Cards (7)

  • Survival
    • Storytelling as an act of survival recording on audiotapes in the hope someone will hear them one day and know about her struggle
    • O's tale is an act of resistance to the regime as the Handmaid's are forbidden to speak
    • "I would like to believe this is a story I'm telling. I need to believe it. I must believe it"
    • "If this is a story I'm telling then I have control over the ending"
  • Language
    • Power for those who can manipulate it to reflect their beliefs
    • A tool to oppress and liberate
    • Handmaids can only speak in Biblical phrases "Blessed be the Fruit" and have to listen to passages read by the Commanders & Aunts who reinforce oppression under the name of God
    • Scrabble gives O access to "making" words saying "I would like to put them in my mouth...The letter C,Crisp" - gustatory imagery to show how starved she is of language and intellect
    • Zygote (sperm and egg fertilise), Larynx (refers to the voice box)
  • Female Body
    • Becomes a battleground for ideology, violence and control
    • O feels like a "prize pig" after being prepared for the Ceremony
    • She dissociates herself "what he is fucking is the lower part of my body"
    • Bodies considered precious but made to feel shameful: bathing "I avoid looking down at my body...because i don't want to see it. I don't want to look at something that determines me so completely"
    • New Right taken extreme in Western World
  • Objectification of Women
    • Symbolism of wombs "she said think of yourselves as seeds ...let's pretend we're the trees"
    • Moira's escape-Aunt Lydia says "for our purposes your hands and feet are not essential" as her feet are beaten with metal cables
  • The Garden
    • Recurring motif of tulips to symbolise the female reproductive organs
    • Yonic imagery (relating to female gentalia) as O feels nothing more than a vehicle for pregnancy
    • "The tulips are red" "the tulips along the border are redder than ever...thrusting themselves up"
    • "Shedding their petals one by one, like teeth" - refers to theory of a male phobia in which a vagina could castrate a penis when penetrating her
  • Doubles
    • Depersonalisation of Handmaids as always have sometime to kep watch of them "Under his eye"
    • Ofglen when shopping "doubled I walk"
  • Knowledge
    • Novel questions whether too much knowledge is dangerous and Modern Prometheus furthers this idea
    • All narrators self-educated and have a thirst for knowledge
    • V ignores all warnings about the dangers of curiosity from his father, teachers & nature