The resistance to change in velocity when subjected to a force
Moment of inertia
The measure of resistance to rotational acceleration
Inertia = m x r^2
moment of inertia = ∑mr^2
Adiabatic restriction?
Q = 0
Adiabatic 1st law?
Change in U = - W
Rapid expansion indicates adiabatic expansion - Work done by system so is +ve work
Efficiency of engine = net work output / energy supplied from external source
What are the four strokes in an engine?
Suck - air drawn into cylinder (intake)
Squeeze - fuel compressed (adiabatic compression) spark ignites (mix burns due to pressure increases)
Bang - expansion (extracts work from explosion)
Blow - exhaust (gas valve opens and forces out burnt fuel) heat escapes due to pressure decrease
Otto cycle (petrol) has a spark plug that ignites the mixture. Has a constant volume when heating (combustion / Q in)
Diesel has no spark plug, the mixture is ignited due to pressure and temperature increasing very quickly (not enough time for heat to exit system)
Diesel reaches a higher pressure during compression, has no constant volume at combustion, is more efficient (greater area so greater work out)
Work out = area of graph
if there is no change in volume?
there is no work done (W=pxchange in volume)
Isothermal graph?
follows isotherms (one line)
Adiabatic graph?
very steep jump across isotherms
Heat engine use heat to do useful work
Overall efficiency = thermal efficiency x mechanical efficiency
Thermal efficiency = indicated / input x100
Mechanical efficiency = output/ indicated x100
Overall efficiency = output / input x100
For ideal engines, we assume?
mechanical efficiency is 100%
Heat engines extract work by converting heat into work
heat engines never extract all the work/ heat. There is always an amount of wasted heat (2nd law of thermodynamic)
Describe heat engine diagram
high temp reservoir transfers Qh to heat engine (+ve work), then work is extracged from heat engine. Qc also transfers from heat engine to cold temp reservoirs (-ve work).
In a heat engine, what is Qc?
Heat lost to surroundings (cold heat)
Q net = W net
W net = Qh - Qc
Thermal efficiency = Pindicated/Pinput
Thermal efficiency = Wnet / Qh
Thermal efficiency = Qh- Qc / Qh
For ideal engines, Q is directlyproportional to T
Max theoretical efficiency = Th-Tc/Th
K = c +273
maxTheoretical efficiency of any engine is less than one. For an engine to be 100% efficient, Tc would have to be absolute0 (Mte = 1 - Tc/Th) which isnt possible.
Second law of thermodynamics
Heat cannot flow from a cold space to a hotter space without the input of work
Second law of thermodynamics
You can never convert ALLheat into work in a heat engine (some will be transferred to cold space)
Reverse heat engines
Transfers energy from cold space to a hotter space by doing work
Describe reverse heat engine diagram
Work is put into the engine. Qc extracted from cold temp reservoir by the reverse heat engine. Qh is transferred to high temp reservoir from reverse heat engine.
Refrigerators maximise Qc (exctract Qh from Qc) and try to make cold space colder