
Cards (20)

  • matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
  • solid  is a state of matter that has a definite size and shape.
  • nothing is in between the particles of matter.
    • Liquid is a state of matter that keeps the same amount but its shape changes
  • Atom is considered as the smallest particle of
  • Particles of matter are attracted to each other because of the strong Forces between them.
  • Molecules of a liquid have moderate to strong intermolecular forces of attraction and are able to shift positions
  • mass is a measure of the amount of matter present
    • energy is an example of a non-matter
  • gas has the weakest attraction among the three states.
  • liquid takes the shape of the container and has definite volume
  • Kinetic energy is the strongest energy among gas particles.
  • solid has particles that are packed closely together
  • Liquid and Solid have definite volume while Gas have indefinite volume
  • Liquid's particles are attracted to one another more strongly than the particles of
  • solid has the strongest intermolecular force of attraction
  • intermolecular forces holds the particles of matter together
  • Solid movement is Vibration
  • Liquid movement is Flow
  • Gas moves randomly in all directions