What did Davie say about how both types of fundamentalism form?
Both religious & secular movements can become fundamentalist as a result of greater uncertainties of life in the late modern/postmodern world
What did Hervieu-Leger say about recreated memories?
He said that fundamentalism is a way of bringing back traditions in places that have suffered from 'culturalamnesia' & have forgotten their historic religious traditions
Bruce's Cultural Defence
Religion unites communities against an external threat
What are 2 examples of cultural defence in the late 20th century?
Poland & Iran
-Under communist rule, Catholic church was suppressed
-Church was used to rally opposition to the SovietUnion
-Western capitalists overthrew the government in 1950s, attempting to modernise & westernise Iran
-Banning the veil & replacing the muslim calendar
-Revolution of 1979 brought the Islamic Republic where the Sharia law was imposed
What did Haynes say about the Iranian revolution?
-Unusual for middle eastern countries as it was led by religious leaders
-Local religious leaders are are opposed by fundamentalists, who see them as enemies of Islam