Results: Those who learnt and recalled the words in the same environment recalled 40% better than those who learnt and recalled the words in a different environment
E.g multiple choice and deciding which one is correct
Cued recall
Retrieving information with some help (cues)
Name of the model to describe memory
Multi-store model of memory
Who designed the MSM of memory?
Atkinson and Schriffin in 1968
Strengths of the MSM of memory
. Research to support the model --> The case of HM, who had a surgery to cure his epilepsy and could no longer transfer information/make memories without an STM . Provides a simple explanation which helps us to understand memory
Weaknesses of the MSM of memory
. Model overemphasises the role of rehearsal
. We remember some things without having to rehearse them e.g some smells and a memorable event
. Oversimplified - memory is much more complex than the model describes
. The case of KF challenges it - he had brain damage and could remember things with visual materials but not verbal materials
Went through a process and stored the information, it is there to recall
Problem with availability
Information may not actually be in the memory as it might not have been stored properly in the first place
Able to recall information stored without difficulty
Problem with accessibility
Information may be stored but there is some difficulty retrieving it