Insertion: one or more nucleotides are inserted into DNA
Deletion: one or more nucleotides are deleted from DNA
Mutagen: something that causes mutation
Insertion and deletion have potential to be especially dangerous
Codon: A sequence of three nucleotides that codes for a specific amino acid. It is located on the mRNA molecule.
Anticodon: The complementary base that matches the codon, and it is located in the tRNA molecule.
Start codon marks the beginning of translation
Stop codon signals for the termination of translation
Initiation: RNA polymerase binds to DNA at a promoter, DNA strands are separated here.
Elongation: RNA polymerase incorporates RNA nucleotides into a strand that is complementary to the DNA template, DNA strands separate only long enough for this to occur.
Termination: RNA polymerase is released from the DNA at the terminator, DNA is double-stranded again.
Initiation: The small and large ribosomal subunits form a ribosome around tRNA with an amino acid on the start codon.
Elongation: The next three bases exposed by the ribosome form a codon, tRNA with the complementary anticodon fits into the ribosome and the amino acid it is carrying is added to the chain.
Termination: When the ribosome exposes a stop codon a release factor fits in, resulting in the ribosomal subunits falling off and the chain of amino acids (protein) being released.
A silent mutation is a mutation that does not change the amino acid sequence of a protein.
Mutations occur at random, however there can be factors that make mutations more likely to occur
Not all genes code for proteins and not all genes are turned "on"either
A frameshift mutation in a gene refers to the insertion or deletion of nucleotide bases in numbers that are not in multiples of three
Cells must replicate their DNA before they can divide.