
Cards (26)

  • Viral, Rhinitis (Rýma): Need of blowing nose
  • Viral, Wart (Bradavice): Neoplasm on the skin
  • Bacterial, Tonsillitis (Angína): Sore throat, cough, headache, fever
  • Bacteria, Gonorrhea (Kapavka): Pain on genitals, painful urination, vaginal discharge
  • Viral, nfluenza (Chřipka): Fever, rhinitis, pain
  • Viral, Hepatitis (Žloutenka): Yellow body
  • Viral, Meningitis (Zánět mozkových blan): Extreme fever, pain, tissue dying
  • Viral, Rubella (Zarděnky): Fever, rash, kids have it
  • Viral, Measles (Spalničky): Cough, rhinitis, rash
  • Viral,Mumps(Příušnice): Inflammation of parotid gland, dangerous for teenage boys
  • Viral, Herpes (Opar): Rash on genitals or mouth
  • Viral, Chickenpox (Plané neštovice): Abdominal pain, rash, fever
  • Viral, Mononucleosis (Mononukleóza): Similar to tonsillitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes
  • Bacterial, Syphilis (Syfilis): Ulcer, personality change, brain melting
  • Bacterial, Borreliosis (Borelióza): Big circle rash, similar to Influenza, may be lethal
  • Bacterial, Plague (Mor): Inflammation in the groin and armpit, black body parts
  • Bacterial, Tetanus (Tetanus): Convulsive seizure in face, lately in the whole body, fever
  • Bacterial, Leprosy (Malomocenství): Skin peeling, fever, hypersomnia
  • Viral, Rabies (Vzteklina): Aggressive behavior, itch in bitten area
  • Bacterial, Tuberculosis (Tuberkulóza): Chest pain, blood coughing, weight loss
  • Bacterial, Scarlet fever (Spála): Similar to Tonsillitis + rash, kids have it
  • Bacterial, Whooping cough (Černý kašel): Convulsive seizure, coughing, vomiting
  • Bacterial, Salmonellosis (Salmonelóza): Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
  • Bacterial, Cholera (Cholera): Leg seizure, extreme diarrhea
  • Bacterial, Typhus (Tyfus): Extreme fever, tiredness, abdominal pain, headache, constipation
  • Bacterial, Botulism (Botulismus): Muscle weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth