When the internal environment is maintained within set limits around the optimum.
Why is it important to keep temperature controlled ?
Because it affects enzyme activity, diffusion, osmosis and nerve transmission.
Too high = enzymes denature
Too low = enzymes and substrates have an insufficient amount of kinetic energy
Why is it important to control glucose concentration ?
Respiratory substances, for growth and repair, maintains blood water potential
Why is it important to control CO2?
CO2 lowers pH affecting enzyme action
Why is it important to control water potential ?
Dehydration, thickening of blood, increased blood pressure, affects water potential.
Why is it important to control the pH ?
To maintain a stable environment for enzyme controlled reactions.
Too low = Hydrogen bond and ionic bonds break, altering the tertiary structure which means the active site is no longer complementary so no E-S complexes can form.
What is positive feedback ?
When a stimulus is detected and the change is amplified. The system will only revert back to normal once the stimulus has been removed.
How is blood clotting an example of positive feedback ?
When you get a cut, platelets become activated and release a chemical which triggers more platelets to be activated, and so on. This means platelets form a blood clot very quickly.
What is negative feedback ?
A system which detects when the value of a factor has falls outside of its range and activates mechanisms to bring it back within range.
Outline the general stages involved in a negative feedback loop.
Stimulus -> Receptors -> Coordinating system -> Effector -> Receptors monitor the stimulus
What structure in the brain controls your body temperature ?
What is glucoregulation ?
Regulation of blood glucose concentration.
What is glucose stored as ?
What cells are islets of langerhans made up of ?
Alpha and beta cells
What two factors mainly affect the concentration of glucose ?