Congress has two chambers - House of Representatives (435 members) and Senate (100 members).
The President is the head of state, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, chief executive officer, and chief diplomat.
The Vice President's role includes serving as president of the Senate, succeeding to the presidency upon the death or resignation of the president, and assuming the duties of the president when the president is unable to perform them.
The Vice President serves as the President's deputy and assumes office if the President dies or resigns.
The Vice President serves as president if the president dies or resigns.
The Vice President can assume presidential powers if the president becomes incapacitated.
The Vice President presides over the Senate but does not have the power to vote except in case of a tie.
The Vice President may be called on by Congress to cast a deciding vote in the event of a tie.
Article II is vague which allows considerable growth of the presidency over time
The president must be at least 35 years old, a US-born citizen and a resident of the USA for 14 years
The president has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress
The executive branch put laws in practice
expressed powers
powers that are specifically laid out in the constitution
Implied powers
powers that are implied by the constitution or are interpreted
Article II allows for the president to appoint 'officers of the United States'
it is implied that every president has the power to form a cabinet
Implied powers of the president
Establish a cabinet
Executive agreement
Executive orders
Executive privilege
Expressed/ Enumerated powers of the president
Commander in chief
Negotiate treaties
State of Union address
Appoint ambassadors, judges, officers of the United States
Recess appointments
Convene special sessions of Congress
Approve or veto legislation
Domestic Policy
Issues and policies that concern affairs within the borders of a nation, such as healthcare, immigration and education
Foreign policy
Issues and policies concerning how one country deals with another, such as treaties, diplomacy and military action
Sate of the union
The annual address delivered by the president in congress outlining their legislative agenda for the coming year
Recess appointments
Temporary appointments of the president made without senate approval when it is in recess
Executive order
a directive issued to the federal bureaucracy regarding how the president would like piece of legislation or policy to be interpreted and enforced