Period when financial statements are prepared for general purpose financial reporting
Annualfinancialstatements are required, while interim statements are optional
Accounting assumptions:
Going concern, accounting entity, time period, monetary unit
Going concern assumption:
Entity is viewed as continuing in operation indefinitely
Financial statements are prepared assuming the entity will continueoperating
Requires dividing the indefinite life of an entity into accounting periods
Traditionally, the accounting period is one year or twelve months
Monetary unit assumption:
Assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses are stated in the local currency
Assumes the currency's stability and quantifiability
A person may lack capacity due to an impairment or disturbance in the functioning of the mind or brain, but still retain some mental abilities.
Capacity can be temporary or permanent.
The purpose of the assessment is to determine whether the person has capacity at the time of decision-making, not whether they have ever had capacity.
There are two ways to assess capacity: by asking questions (interview) or through observation.
Elements of financial statements:
Present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events
Economic resource is a right that has the potential to produce economic benefits
Aspects of asset definition: right, potential to produce economic benefits, control
Rights that correspond to an obligation of another party:
Right to receive cash, goods or services
Right to exchange economic resources with another party on favourable terms
Right to benefit from an obligation of another party to transfer economic resource if a specified uncertain future event occurs
Rights that donotcorrespond to an obligation of another party:
Rightoverphysicalobjects (e.g., right to use a property or right to sell an inventory)
Right to use intellectual property
Potential to produce economic benefits:
Asset may be sold, leased, transferred or exchanged for other assets
Used to produce goods or provide services
Used to enhance the value of other assets
Used to promote efficiency and cost savings
Used to settle a liability
Entity has exclusive right over the benefits of an asset
Ability to prevent others from accessing those benefits
Control does not mean ensuring the resource will produce economic benefits in all circumstances
Present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result of past events
Aspects of liability definition: obligation, transfer of an economic resource, present obligation as a result of past events
Duty or responsibility that an entity has no practical ability to avoid
Legal obligation or constructive obligation
Obligation is always owed to another party
Transfer of an economic resource:
Liability is the obligation that has the potential to require the transfer of an economic resource to another party
Obligation's potential to cause a transfer of economic benefits need not be certain
Obligation already exists and would require the entity to transfer an economic resource
Present obligation as a result of past events:
Present obligation exists if the entity has already obtained economic benefits or taken an action
Entity will or may have to transfer economic resource that it would not otherwise have had to transfer
Residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities
Applies to all entities regardless of form
Increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increase in equity
Excludes contributions from holders of equity claims
Decreases in assets, or increase in liabilities, that result in decrease of equity
Excludes distributions to the entity’s owners
Measurement bases:
Historical cost
Current value (fair value, value in use and fulfilment value, current cost)
Historical cost:
Consideration paid to acquire the asset plus transaction cost
Consideration received to incur the liability minus transaction costs
Current value:
Reflects changes in values at the measurement date
Includes fair value, value in use for assets and fulfilment value for liability, current cost
Fair Value:
Price that would be received to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date
Not adjusted for transaction costs
Value in use and fulfilment value:
Value in use: present value of the cash flows that an entity expects to derive from the use of an asset
Fulfilment value: present value of the cash or other economic resources that an entity expects to be obliged to transfer as it fulfils a liability
Current cost:
Cost of an equivalent asset at the measurement date plus transaction costs
Cost of an equivalent liability at the measurement date minus transaction costs
Consideration when selecting a measurement basis:
Nature of information provided by a particular measurement basis
Qualitative characteristics, cost constrain, and other factors
Frequency of reporting:
Financial statements are prepared at least annually
If an entity changes its reporting period longer or shorter than one year, it shall disclose:
The period covered by the financial statements
The reason for using a longer or shorter period
The fact that amounts presented in the financial statements are not entirely comparable
Comparative Information:
An entity must present comparative information in respect of the preceding period for all amounts reported in the current period's financial statements
As a minimum, an entity presents two of each of the statements and related notes
For example, when an entity presents its current year financial statements, the preceding year financial statements shall also be presented as comparative information
Additional Statement of Financial Position:
A complete set of financial statements includes an additional statement of financial position when certain instances occur
Instances include applying an accounting policy retrospectively, making a retrospective restatement of items in financial statements, or reclassifying items in financial statements
The instance must have a material effect on the information in the statement of financial position at the beginning of the preceding period