Name at least 2 types of power differential in relationships and the problem that can arise from that situation
Financial- when one partner is financially carrying the couple and the other can become dependent and feel entitled to all the gifts and money.
Age- when there is an agegap in the relationship. One may have more privileges at that age and the other my try and takeadvantage of it, for example: drugs, alcohol, driving, and etc
Rank the top 5 methods for ending a relationship from a communication perspective
-In person
-Over call
-Over text
-be honest and direct
Describe strategies you would use to end a relationship where cheating, abuse, or neglect was involved. The process:
Avoid meeting up in person, instead do it over text/or call in case you are in fear they will be aggressive. Also communicate with family and friends ahead of time, so they can stay safe. When breaking up, be honest and direct with them, also allow them to speak. Lastly, make a clean break; block them on all socials and have no contact with them.
Scenario: two individuals spend a lot of time together and often neglect their other relationships. What are the implications of not having time balance in a relationship?
-Get bored of each other
-lose interest/focus in hobbies and interests
-lose other relationships
Name and describe two types of sexual assault:
Rape- sexual activity without mutualconsent, can be forced upon their will.
Sexual violence- is a unwanted and/or harmful act of sexual activity without the consent of the other person
Describe the spectrums of consent:
Mutual consent
Unfair pressure
Mutual Consent
both partners come to agreement to do something-sexualactivity
Unfair Pressure
individual pressures the other person to dosomething
someone tells the other person to dosomething, if not obeyed, they threaten to do something
violent behavior or attitude towards the other person
someone forced the other to do sexual activity
Dual use + example
when you use a condom and differentmethod of birth control at the sametime
Ex: condom and pill
Describe the types of contraceptives: block, suppress, and disable
block sperm, disable sperm before they reach the uterus, or suppress ovulation
Examples of block, disable, and suppression contraceptives
Block: condom and IVDs
Disable: pills, patch, and ring
Suppression: emergency contraception, and abstinence
Protects: right now, for a month, and a year examples:
Protects right now: external condom, withdrawal, and emergency contraception (plan b)
Protects for a month: pills, patches, and rings
Protects for a year: IVDS/shots/implant and abstinence
What is HIV
a virus that attack the immune system
How is HIV transmitted
vaginal fluids, donated blood, used/shared needles, mother to child, and unprotected analsex (most common)
How is HIV not transmitted
saliva, sweat, sneezing and coughing, mucas, bathing together, sharing food/utensils, kissing, and tears/snots
What are the long term ratifications of non-treatment of HIV
leads to AIDS (acquiredimmunedefiency) syndrome
Symptons of HIV
Continous occurance: fever, diarrhea, cold, swollen glands, night sweats, muscle pain, sore throat, and headaches