Cards (32)

  • The baptism is the first step of initiation
  • Baptism brings us new life, and forgiveness
  • Baptism comes from the greek word Baptizein
  • “The baptized person enters into communion with Christ’s death, is buried with Him and rises with Him.”
  • Baptism gives the soul of new life of sanctifying grace
  • The two forms of baptism are immersion and infusion
  • Immersion: emerging into the water
  • Infusion: water is poured
  • Water is poured on head, forehead, and face
  • BAPTISM WITH WATER – this is sacramental conferring of baptism upon a person by immersion or pouring of water on the head.
  • ABLUTION  or POURING -is a manner of baptism in which the minister pours water on the head of the person being baptized.
  • Sprinkling - is the casting of water from distance so that it falls upon the head of the recipient in the administration of baptism.
  • Who can baptize in a grave emergency?
    Anyone can baptize in a grave emergency, as long as they intend to confer the sacrament
    • even an unbaptized person can baptize
  • Catechumenate: baptism given both to adults and to infants
  • Catechumens are unbaptized persons who have been taking part in an extended process
  • Kinds of baptism:
    1. Water
    2. Blood
    3. Desire
  • Baptism of desire is when one desires to be baptized but dies unable to do so
  • Effects of baptism:
    1. Takes away original sin
    2. Effects the pardoning of all temporal and eternal punishments
    3. Imprints a mark
    4. Helps us enter God's kingdom
    5. Makes us sharers of Christ's paschal victory
    6. Gives us new relationship with the holy trinity
  • A bishop, priest, or deacon is an ordinary minister
  • 3-fold mission of Christ
    1. Priest - mediator between God and man
    2. King - Service
    3. Prophet - proclaim God's love
  • Church requirements:
    1.Birth certificate of the child
    2.Catholic marriage contract of parents
    3.Pre-baptismal certificates of parents and godparents
    4.Baptismal registration form
    5.Stole fee
  • Role of the parents:
    1. Ask publicly that the child be baptized
    2. sign the child with the cross
    3. renounce Satan and profess their faith
    4. carry the child to the baptismal font
    5. Hold the lighted candle
  • Who makes the baptismal promises for children who cannot speak for themselves?
    Parents or Godparents
  • Sponsors
    1. In adult baptism they assist the person in Christian initiation
    2. In infant baptism, they share role with parents
  • The process of the baptismal rites is:
    I. Reception of the candidate
    II. Exorcism
    III. Admittance into the church or baptistry
    • are recited again to break the power of Satan over the candidate
    • Priest touches the ears and nostrils of the candidate
    • ears be opened to the word of God
    • Parents and godparents renounce satan
    • candidate is anointed with the oil of catechumens
  • A lighted candle signifies that they should always keep burning in their heart the light of faith
  • A white garment shows that their soul is spotless with grace
  • Anointing with Chrism shows that they are now anointed one of God
  • Godparents touch shows that they accept the spiritual relationship
  • Priest leads the candidate to baptistry signifies that the candidate may have a share in everlasting life