Measuring tools - Caliper, pull push rule and t square
testing tools - plumb bob, spirit level and horse level
driving tools - Crow bar, hammer, and screwdriver
Plumbing symbols - represents abstraction in plumbing components name
water meter - where the volume of water utilized by residential and commercial buildings units normally measured
inventory - comprehensive list of all the items currently available in stock
Danger sign - signage, printed predominantly red used to specifically indicate immediate hazards
Pipe reader - which tool would be most effective for cutting the pipes to the precise size needed
plumb bob - which tool is used to test if the height of a roof drainage is vertical aligned
Try square - tool used to verify a 90 degree bend on a pvc pipe
D - Which of the provided measuring tools is inappropriate for determining the length of a pipe?
A. square
B. Try square
C. Spirit Level
D. Plum bob
B - How can a plumber proactively prepare an efficient plumbing system in advance?
A. by assessing
B. by planning
B - Which of the following explains the purpose of waste vents in a plumbing system? A. It is used to carry the waste and drain water to the sewer.
B. It is used to equalize air pressure within the drainage system.
B - Which of the following is NOT a benefit of lubricating tools?
A. Protects against wear.
C. Prevents corrosion
B. Affects the heat.
D. Reduces friction.
Implementing controls - involves the use of Personal Protective Equipment
identifying the potential emergencies - The primary emergency procedure for ensuring a safe working environment
identifying the potential emergencies - prevents accidents.
electronically monitor inventory in real time - The main reason for enterprises to use barcode systems across a variety of plumbing tools
legend - Plumber ensures that their symbol-based layout appears simple to understand
PART OF A PLUMBING SYSTEM - potable waste line
, waste line, waste vent
waste vent - used to equalize air pressure within the drainage system.
schematic diagram - represents symbol, lines, or shapes.
by measuring the exactlength, width, and depth of pipes - Measuring tools help with the actualization of a plumbing plan
helps in monitoring and managinginventories. - material management
material management - helps in monitoring and managing inventories.