When the public come together over a reaction to a major crime
what is the dark figure of crime?
Unreported crimes.
What is informal control?
Unwritten rules in society based on approval and disapproval
What is formal control?
Written rules based on laws.
Agencies of formal control?
Police, courts, prisons.
Functionalist view on crime?
Crime is vital and necessary in societies as it reinforces acceptable and unacceptable behavior
Marxist view on crime?
As society is based on values of consumerism and materialism, it creates an unequal society. Some people who don’t earn enough to fit these values commit illegal activities to get them
Feminist view on crime?
Women are treated and punished as double deviants: they have firstly broken the law and secondly the norms that govern their gender.
What is the chivalry thesis?(Feminist)
Where women are treated more favourably by police and courts and are given more lenient punishments