
Cards (169)

  • Appendix: a tube 2cm-7cm long at base of ileocecal juncture dense with lymphocytes
  • Cortex: the outer, C shaped, noduled covering of lymph node
  • Hilum: medulla of thymus extending to the surface
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma: one of two types of cancers of the lymphatic system caused by rapid replication of B cells
  • Lymph sac: the embryonic growths along major veins that develop into lymphatic vessels
  • Lymph sinuses: the channels of clear space between the capsule/trabeculae and the parenchyma and stroma
  • Peyer's patches: the clusters of lymphatic nodules found in the small intestine (ileum)
  • Plasms cell: a cell that differentiates from B cells and secretes antibodies in immune response
  • Sentinel node: the first lymph node(s) cancer cells are likely to have spread from after the primary site infection, a biopsy of the node identifies metastasis
  • Stroma: compact reticular connective tissue found inside thymus
  • T cell: the prominent cell in immune response; thymus dependent lymphocyte
  • Tonsils: the multiple lymphatic tissues (organ) located at the pharynx that shield the body from inspired or ingested pathogens, three total
  • White and red pulp: named corresponding to (fresh) sections of the spleen, white connotes lymphocytes and macrophages near the splenic artery, red corresponds to erythrocytes in the sinuses
  • Anabolism: a building process where simple substances are converted to more complex compounds
  • Anaplasia: cells begin to grow in a more primitive pattern
  • Catabolism: the breaking down of complex substances into more simple substances
  • Catagen: a portion of the hair cycle in which growth stops
  • Hypoxia: a condition of low body oxygen content
  • Hypoglycemia: an abnormally low blood glucose level
  • Hyperemesis: excessive vomiting
  • Hyperglycemia: elevated blood sugar level
  • Adenocarcinoma: carcinoma that originated from cells of glands
  • Adenopathy: an increase in the size of glands often referring to lymph nodes
  • Adipocyte: a fat cell
  • Adipsuria: fat in the urine
  • Biopsy: to examine a piece of tissue from the body for diagnosis
  • Biogenesis: the origin of life
  • Calcaneus: the heel bone
  • Calcification: hardening of tissue due to calcium deposition
  • Cellular: pertaining to or made of cells; consisting of small compartments
  • Cellulose: organic polymer of thousands of glucose molecules found in plant walls and food
  • Achromasia: hypopigmentation; lack of staining power in a cell or tissue
  • Chromoblast: embryonic cell that develops into a pigment cell]
  • Cytokinesis: final stage of cell division when the cytoplasm splits
  • Cytology: the study of cells
  • Dermatology: a branch of medicine that deals with the skin
  • Erythroderma: an abnormal redness of the skin
  • Fibroma: a tumor composed of mainly fibrous tissue
  • Fibrochondritis: inflammation of fibrocartilage
  • Carcinogenic: a cancer producing agent