Evaluation (Educational aspect)

Cards (7)

  • Establishment of modernized education system:
    • A modern school system, divided into kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools and colleges, was introduced.
    • In 1902, the eight-legged essay format which suppressed the freedom of thoughts was abolished.
    • Civil service examination questions included Western and Chinese learning.
  • Establishment of modernized education system:
    • In 1905, the Reform abolished the centuries-old civil service examination system, which was to be replaced by a modern school system on the Western model.
    • New schools were set up to teach Western knowledge and science.
    • All these inculcated the people with independent thinking and critical judgment.
  • Establishment of modernized education system:
    • Many students were sent to Europe, the US, Japan, etc. for studies.
    • For example, the number of Chinese students in Japan reached 30,000 in 1908.
    • Many intellectuals were influenced by Western thoughts.
  • Incomprehensive educational reform:
    • Though the reformed civil service examination in 1902 included Western learning as well as Chinese learning, the questions indicated a clear emphasis on the superiority of Chinese learning.
  • Incomprehensive educational reform:
    • Although modern schools were built nationwide, many teachers were educated under the traditional education system and lacked basic knowledge about the new subjects such as science and geography.
    • As a result, most schools continued to adopt the old curriculum and education method, with an emphasis on Confucian classics.
  • Educational reforms helped spread revolutionary ideas:
    • Education reform unexpectedly created anti-Qing forces.
    • The students who were sent abroad Europe, the US and Japan were exposed to Western ideas such as republicanism, liberalism and democracy.
    • They became critical of traditional policies and the Qing government.
    • When they returned to China, they spread revolutionary ideas.
  • Educational reforms helped spread revolutionary ideas:
    • In addition, as more students were sent abroad, with Japan taking the majority, more and more students became associated with revolutionaries and were influenced by them.
    • They attempted to use the method of revolution to achieve the modernization of China.