Cards (145)

  • Activity/Rest:
    • Activity intolerance: insufficient energy to endure or complete daily activities
    • Activity intolerance, risk for: at risk for insufficient energy to endure or complete daily activities
    • Disuse syndrome, risk for: at risk for deterioration of body systems due to musculoskeletal inactivity
    • Divisional activity, deficit: decreased engagement in recreational or leisure activities
    • Fatigue: overwhelming sense of exhaustion and decreased capacity for physical and mental work
    • Insomnia: disruption in amount and quality of sleep impairing function
    • Transfer ability, impaired: limitation in movement between nearby surfaces
    • Walking, impaired: limitation in independent movement on foot or artificial limb
    • Mobility: bed, impaired: limitation in movement between bed positions
    • Mobility: physical, impaired: limitation in purposeful physical movement
    • Mobility: wheelchair, impaired: limitation in independent operation of a wheelchair
    • Sedentary lifestyle: habit characterized by low physical activity level
    • Sleep deprivation: prolonged periods without sleep
    • Sleep pattern disturbed: interruptions in sleep amount and quality due to external factors
    • Sleep, readiness for enhanced: pattern of consciousness suspension providing adequate rest
  • Circulation:
    • Bleeding, risk for: at risk for decrease in blood volume compromising health
    • Cardiac output, decreased: inadequate blood pumped by the heart to meet metabolic demands
    • Tissue perfusion, decreased cardiac tissue, risk for: risk for decrease in cardiac circulation
    • Tissue perfusion, ineffective, cerebral, risk for: risk for decrease in cerebral tissue circulation
    • Tissue perfusion, ineffective, renal, risk for: at risk for decrease in kidney blood circulation
    • Tissue perfusion, ineffective, gastrointestinal, risk for: at risk for decrease in gastrointestinal circulation
    • Tissue perfusion, ineffective, peripheral: decrease in peripheral blood circulation compromising health
    • Shock, risk for: at risk for inadequate blood flow to body tissues
    • Coping, family, compromised: insufficient support from a primary person
    • Coping, family, disabled: behavior of a significant person disabling effective adaptation to health challenges
    • Coping, family, readiness for enhanced: effective management of adaptive tasks by a family member
  • Ego Integrity:
    • Anxiety: vague feeling of discomfort or dread with an autonomic response
    • Anxiety, death: feeling of discomfort or dread related to threat to existence
    • Body image, disturbed: confusion in mental picture of physical self
    • Coping, community, ineffective: unsatisfactory pattern of community activities for adaptation and problem solving
    • Coping, community, readiness for enhanced: unsatisfactory pattern of community activities that can be improved for future problems
    • Coping, defensive: projection of falsely positive self-evaluations to defend against threats
  • Effective management of adaptive tasks by family member involved with client’s health challenge, who now exhibits desire and readiness for enhanced health and growth with regard to self in relation to client
  • Pattern of cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage demands that is sufficient for wellbeing and can be strengthened
  • Inability to form a valid appraisal of internal or external stressors, inadequate choices of practical responses, and/or to access or use available resources
  • Conscious or unconscious attempt to disavow anxiety the knowledge or meaning of an event, to reduce anxiety/fear, but leading to the detriment of health
  • A disruption of the flow of energy surrounding a person’s being, which results in a disharmony of mind and spirit
  • Response to perceived threat that is consciously recognized as a danger
  • A normal complex process that includes emotional, physical, spiritual, social and intellectual responses and behaviors by which individuals, families and communities incorporate an actual, anticipated or perceived loss into their daily lives
  • A disorder that occurs after the death of a significant other, in which the experience of distress accompanying bereavement fails to follow normative expectations and manifests in functional impairment
  • At risk for a disorder that occurs after the death of a significant other, in which the experience of distress accompanying bereavement fails to follow normative expectations and manifests in functional impairment
  • Impaired ability to modify lifestyle/behaviors in a manner consistent with a change in health status
  • At risk for perceived loss of respect and honor
  • Inability to maintain an integrated and complete perception of self
  • Sustained maladaptive response to a traumatic, overwhelming event
  • At risk for sustained maladaptive response to a traumatic, overwhelming event
  • Perception that one’s own actions will not significantly affect an outcome, perceived lack of control over current situation or immediate happening
  • At risk for perceived lack of control over a situation and/or one’s ability to significantly affect an outcome
  • Sustained maladaptive response to forced, violent sexual act (penetration may not actually occur) against victim’s will and consent
  • Physiological and/or psychological disturbances that result from transfer from one environment to another
  • At risk for physiological and/or psychological disturbances that result from transfer from one environment to another
  • Decreased ability to sustain a pattern of positive responses to an adverse situation or crisis
  • A pattern of positive responses to an adverse situation or crisis that can be strengthened to optimize human potential
  • At risk for decreased ability to sustain a pattern of positive responses to an adverse situation or crisis
  • A pattern of perceptions or ideas about the self that is sufficient for well-being and can be strengthened
  • Long-standing negative self-evaluations/feelings about self or self-capabilities
  • Development of a negative perception of self-worth in response to a current situation
  • At risk for developing negative perception of self-worth in response to a current situation
  • Cyclical, recurring and potentially progressive pattern of pervasive sadness that is experienced in response to continual loss throughout the trajectory of an illness or disability
  • Excessive amounts and types of demands that require action
  • Risk for variation of blood glucose/sugar levels from the normal range
  • Change in normal bowel elimination habits characterized by involuntary passage of stool
  • Decrease in normal frequency of defecation, accomplished by difficult or incomplete passage of stool and/or passage of excessively hard, dry stool
  • At risk for decrease normal frequency of defecation accompanied by difficult or incomplete passage of stool and/or passage of excessively hard, dry stool
  • Self-diagnosis of constipation and abuse of laxatives, enemas, and/or suppositories to ensure a daily bowel movement