melc 2 propaganda techniques

Cards (11)

  • propaganda is when a piece of writing is trying to persuade you to think or feel a certain way.
  • as an intelligent reader, listener you should not believe everything u see, read, and hear.
  • types of propaganda are
    name calling
    glittering generalities
    card stacking
    plain folks
    loaded or emotional words
  • name calling is trashtalking another product or person, for example
    I am RUDE, RUDE-rigo duterte
  • glittering generlities is using words that soun attractive or catchy but dont really mean anything
  • transfer is an appeal the helps a person imagine himself part of a picture. for example, a brand is selling their product for a cause, 30% of their amount of sales will be put in the donation for the homeless people in the community.
  • testimonial is when a famous personality or person endorses or reccomends a product. for example kathryn bernardo endorsing gatorade. u will buy the gatorade because kathryn drinks it.
  • card stacking manipulation or witholding information about the product, which means, telling the viewers or target market the positive side of the products only.
  • plain folks is the use of common people to sell and to promote a certain product or service. for example, u, a common student, reads a magazine about nescafe's add about coffee, and they used common people to represent their coffee, so u, a common student gets persuaved and thinks that if them, common people drinks coffee for their families, so why dont i?
  • bandwagon is fitting in, he propagandist puts forth the idea that everyone is doing this, so should u.
  • loaded or emotional words uses word in attempting to influence an audience by using emotional appeal.