Cards (4)

  • Findings:
    • Children diagnosed with 6 character types:
    Normal - 2
    Depressed - 9
    Circular - 2
    Hyperthymic - 13
    Affectionless - 14
    Schizoid - 4
    • Most common was seen to be affectionless
    • Characteristics of this type is lack normal affection, shame which makes it easier to steal without remorse
    • 23 thieves were grade IV with 13 of them being affectionless
    • 12 of the 14 affectionless experienced maternal separation, 5 out of the 30 of other thieves and 2 out of 44 in control group
    • 5 thieves who didn't experience maternal separation instead had dads who were openly hostile and didn’t want the child
  • Methodology
    • case studies based on information gathered from clinical interviews
    • research sample gathered by opportunity ( all referred to London Child Guidance Clinic due to being 'emotionally disturbed'' )
    • 44 thieves aged 5 - 17 years old
    • Assessed on intelligence: 27 average IQ , 15 higher IQ and 2 lower IQ
    • graded I - IV on severity of their theft
    • control group was 44 emotionally disturbed NON THIEVES similar in age and IQ and economic status
  • Procedure
    • 1936-1939 research carried out in the London Child Guidance Clinic
    • Each child been referred to the clinic as emotionally disturbed
    • On arrival 2-hour procedure 
    • Mental tests with a psychologist - Binet test for IQ, as well an emotional attitude 
    • Interview with social worker + mother = child's early history
    • Report then made by social worker + psychologist, given to psychiatrist (Bowlby)
    • Bowlby then interviews the child + mother
    • Team reviews school + other reports
    • Weekly meetings between Bowlby + child carried out - some for 6 months 
    • Mother discusses problems with social worker
  • Conclusions
    • Concluded factors that inhibit the development of ability to form relationships affect the likelihood of offending.
    • Findings confirm the assumption that early years are of importance on development
    • However juvenile crime not just psychological issue, also social + economic e.g lack of recreational activities + poor housing may be important too.
    • Early diagnosis of character + the causes of it can lead to early treatment of delinquents, prevention is better than cure e.g. those who care for child aware of the damage of separation + provide good substitute emotional care.